Source code for pytest_dash.behavior_parser

"""Custom lark parser and transformer for dash behavior tests."""
import functools
import six

import lark
from import WebDriverWait

from pytest_dash.wait_for import (
    wait_for_element_by_id, wait_for_element_by_css_selector,
    wait_for_elements_by_css_selector, wait_for_element_by_xpath,

_grammar = r'''
start: compare
    | command

// Variable to use from the parameters
?variable: /\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/ -> variable

?raw_value: NUMBER -> number
    | ESCAPED_STRING -> escape_string
    | "true"i -> true_value
    | "false"i -> false_value
    | ("null"i | "none"i | "nil"i) -> null

?value: raw_value
    | element_prop
    | elements_length
    | variable

?input_value: raw_value
    | variable

// Elements
element_id: /#[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+/
element_selector: /\{.*\}/
elements_selector: /\*\{.*\}/
element: element_id | element_selector | element_xpath
element_prop: element ("." NAME)+
element_xpath: /\[.*\]/
elements_xpath: /\*\[.*\]/

elements: elements_selector | elements_xpath
elements_length: elements ".length"

// Comparisons
?eq: "should be"i | "eq" | "=="
?lt: "should be less than"i | "lt"i | "<"
?lte: "should be less or equal than"i | "lte"i | "<="
?gt: "should be greater than"i | "gt"i | ">"
?gte: "should be greater or equal than"i | "gte"i | ">="

?comparison: eq | lt | lte | gt | gte

compare: value comparison value
    | "text in" element eq value -> text_equal
    | element ("." NAME)+ comparison value -> prop_compare
    | "style" value "of" element eq value -> style_compare


?elemental: element | elements_selector

?command: "clear" elemental -> clear
    | "click" elemental -> click
    | "enter" value "in" element -> send_value

%import common.CNAME -> NAME
%import common.NUMBER
%import common.WS
%import common.ESCAPED_STRING
%ignore WS

def _compare(left, comparison, right):
    if == 'eq':
        return left == right
    if == 'lt':
        return left < right
    if == 'lte':
        return left <= right
    if == 'gt':
        return left > right
    if == 'gte':
        return left >= right
    return False

[docs]class BehaviorTransformerMeta(type): """ Dynamically create a parser transformer with user defined behaviors """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attributes): behaviors = attributes.get('_behaviors', {}) new_attrs = attributes.copy() behaviors_grammar = [] values = [] comparisons = [] commands = [] def wrapper(fun, inline, meta, tree): @functools.wraps(fun) @lark.v_args(inline=inline, meta=meta, tree=tree) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def _wrap(self, *args, **kwargs): return fun(*args, **kwargs) return _wrap for key, behavior in behaviors.items(): new_attrs[key] = wrapper( behavior.handler, behavior.inline, behavior.meta, behavior.tree ) if behavior.kind == 'comparison': # Custom comparisons need to be assigned the transformer # handler with the arrow inside the compare token. comparisons.append('{} -> {}'.format(behavior.syntax, key)) continue behaviors_grammar.append('{}: {}'.format(key, behavior.syntax)) if behavior.kind == 'value': values.append(key) elif behavior.kind == 'command': commands.append(key) grammar = _grammar custom_grammars = [ ('custom', '\n'.join(behaviors_grammar)), ('value', '| ' + '| '.join(values) if values else ''), ( 'comparisons', '| ' + '| '.join(comparisons) if comparisons else '' ), ('commands', '|' + '| '.join(commands) if commands else ''), ] for key, value in custom_grammars: grammar = grammar.replace('%({})%'.format(key), value) new_attrs['_grammar'] = grammar return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, new_attrs)
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic # pylint: disable=no-self-use, missing-docstring, no-member, R0904
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(BehaviorTransformerMeta) @lark.v_args(inline=True) class BehaviorTransformer(lark.Transformer, object): """Transform and execute behavior commands."""
[docs] def __init__(self, driver, variables=None): """ :param driver: Selenium driver to find elements in the tree :type driver: selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver.WebDriver """ self.driver = driver self.variables = variables or {}
[docs] def variable(self, name): """ A variable specified in the parameters attribute of behavior. :Example: .. code-block:: yaml ValueBehavior: parameters: value: default: Foo event: - "enter $value in #input" outcome: - "text in #input-output should be $value" Tests: ValueBehavior ValueBehavior: - value: Bar :kind: value """ return self.variables.get(name.lstrip('$'))
[docs] def number(self, num): return float(num) if '.' in num else int(num)
[docs] def element_id(self, element_id): """ Find an element by id when found in the tree. :Example: ``#dropdown`` :kind: value :param element_id: Text after `#` """ return wait_for_element_by_id(self.driver, element_id.replace('#', ''))
[docs] def element_selector(self, selector): """ Find an element by selector when found in the tree. :Example: ``{#radio-items > label:nth-child(9) > input[type="radio"]}`` :kind: value :param selector: Text contained between `{` & `}` """ return wait_for_element_by_css_selector( self.driver, selector.lstrip('{').rstrip('}') )
[docs] def elements_selector(self, selector): return wait_for_elements_by_css_selector(self.driver, selector[2:-1])
[docs] def elements(self, elements): return elements
[docs] def elements_length(self, elements): return len(elements)
[docs] def element(self, identifier): # Just need to return the element that is already found # by element_id or element_selector return identifier
[docs] def element_prop(self, element, prop): """ Property value of an element :Example: ``#element.prop`` :kind: value """ return element.get_property(prop)
[docs] def element_xpath(self, xpath): """ Find an element by xpath :Example: ``[//div/span]`` :kind: value """ return wait_for_element_by_xpath(self.driver, xpath[1:-1])
[docs] def elements_xpath(self, xpath): """ Find all elements by xpath :Example: ``*[//div/span]`` :kind: value """ return wait_for_elements_by_xpath(self.driver, xpath[2:-1])
[docs] def compare(self, left, comparison, right): assert _compare(left, comparison, right)
[docs] def clear(self, element): """ Clear an element. :Example: ``clear #element`` :kind: command """ element.clear()
[docs] def click(self, element): """ Click an element. :Example: ``click #element`` :kind: command """ if isinstance(element, list): for elem in element: else:
[docs] def send_value(self, value, element): """ Send key inputs to the element :Example: ``enter "Hello" in #input`` :kind: command """ element.send_keys(value)
[docs] def escape_string(self, escaped): """ Escaped string handler, remove the ``"`` from the token. :kind: value """ return escaped.strip('"')
[docs] def text_equal(self, element, _, value): """ Assert the text attribute of an element is equal with a wait timer. :Example: ``text #output should be "Foo bar"`` :kind: comparison """ # We have the element and not the selector so we cannot use the # wait_for_text wrapper. def _text_equal(_): return element.text == str(value) WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(_text_equal)
[docs] def prop_compare(self, element, prop, comparison, value): """ Wait for a property to equal a value. :Example: `` should be "my-element"`` :kind: comparison """ def _prop_compare(_): prop_value = element.get_property(prop) return _compare(prop_value, comparison, value) WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(_prop_compare)
[docs] def style_compare(self, style, element, _, value): """ Compare a style value of an of element. :Example: style "color" of #style should be "rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)" :kind: comparison :param style: Name of the style property :param element: Element to find :param _: eq :param value: Value to compare to the element style attribute. :return: """ def _style_compare(_): style_value = element.value_of_css_property(style) return style_value == value WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(_style_compare)
[docs] def true_value(self): return True
[docs] def false_value(self): return False
[docs]def parser_factory(driver, variables=None, behaviors=None): """ Create a Lark parser with a BehaviorTransformer with the provided selenium driver to find the elements. A new behavior transformer class is created and behaviors are assigned a transformer function from the supplied behaviors in the pytest_add_behaviors hook. :param driver: Selenium driver to use when parsing elements. :param variables: Variables to use in the parser transformer. :param behaviors: Custom behaviors, come from plugin.behaviors. :return: """ class NewBehaviorTransformer(BehaviorTransformer): _behaviors = behaviors or {} # pylint: disable=no-member, protected-access # noinspection PyProtectedMember return lark.Lark( NewBehaviorTransformer._grammar, parser='lalr', transformer=NewBehaviorTransformer(driver, variables) )